Friday, May 31, 2019
Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward Essay -- Looking Backward
Edward Bellamys Looking BackwardPeople have ever wondered what the future will be like. Certainly Edward Bellamy did when he wrote the novel, Looking Backward (1888). Bellamy uses a man named Mr. West as the main character in this novel. He opens by telling who he is and what his social standing is. West is a young man, around the age of 30, and is fairly wealthy. At the beginning, he tells us active his fianc, Edith, and the house he is having trouble building for her. The trouble comes from the fact that the workers keep going on strike due to financial reasons, which prolongs the completion of the house. The biggest hint to the contain of the novel comes from when he tells the reader that he suffers from insomnia. West must be put to sleep through a trance in his bedroom, which is an entirely exaggerate room in the basement of his home. When people sleep they often dream, which leads one to believe they can predict the ending of the novel. The prediction to the ending of the n ovel is that the story, he is telling, is a dream. On page 11 he says, I called in Dr. Pillsbury. H...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
My Education Essay example -- School Education Background Essays
My EducationWhen speaking of the topic of who a individual is and their past, a massive part of this includes their educational background. Isnt this what forms mountain, their education? Of course, this doesnt perpetually have to refer to their organized education. Everything that a person learns is something that educates them these words being synonymous. Even something like first scholarship to tie your shoes is a part of your education. Which method works better for you loop, swoop, and pull, or bunny ears? I of course, like any other well better person, use loop, swoop, and pull its just the best way, no bias has ever developed there.I started out as a twinkle in my fathers eye in the fall of 1982, and then on that fateful day of July 20, 1983 I was born in the diminished town of Seward, Alaska. coming into a world of beauty and ruggedness, I soon learned how to interact with the things around me. Never being a small person, smash and grab evermore seemed to be a good theory for whatever activity I pursued. Even though I may have got a few small scrapes and such along the way, I never did lose my speed and intensity. This is still how I do it - fast and efficiently - always quick to ask bored. growing up in Alaska, I learned the out-of-doors, fishing, and hunting. These lessons I will never forget. Coming from the woods, you learn a lot about self-reliance and prioritization.It started out with parents that were always interested in education, mine and their own, whenever I learned something new they were always interested in it also. I was taught from the beginning much about the things around me, outdoors and in. I remember when I was in high school my mother would actually want to work with me on calculus, b... ...l of many areas of my chosen field, and not get bored with what is happening around me. I have a tentative plan of getting my masters in marketing, then going corporate for a hospitality corporation. This way I ca n actually retrace and see changes in the whole company, instead of just one property.In a persons life, they learn from everything around them, and take in everything that they see, and learn from all of it. Hopefully, they get a good result so that they may be fitted to make a difference in the world around them. I feel that I have to tools to make the changes that I want, and the knowledge to know how to make these changes. I look toward the future with a bright outlook, and know that to keep learning is the key to making my bright outlook the truth. For my future and the future of people younger and older than me, education will always be the key.
Shakespeares Othello - The Character of Iago Essay -- Othello essays
The Character of Iago In Othello, by William Shakespeare, one of the most intriguing acknowledgments is Iago. At first glance he seems to be pure evil, just now I think his actions are much more complex. Through thought-out words and actions Iago is satisfactory to manipulate others to do things that benefit him and move him closer to his goals. This character is consumed with envy and falsification that leads to theft and killing. Iago is the main driving force in this revive, pushing Othello and the other characters towards their tragic endings. Iago is not your ordinary villain. He is smart and an expert judge of peoples character and uses this to his advantage. For example, he knows Roderigo is in love with Desdemona and figures Roderigo would do anything to have her as his own. Iago states, Thus do I ever make my fool my purse. By playing on his hopes Iago is able to swindle money and jewels from Roderigo, making a substantial profit and making him a pawn in his plan. Iago is also quick on his feet and able to improvise when the unexpected occurs. Being of smart mind, Iago is quick to recognize the advantages of trust, thus using it as a tool in forwarding his goals. Throughout the play he is often referred to and known as honest Iago. He even states, I am an honest man... Trust is a powerful emotion that stooge easily be abused. As seen with Othello who, holds (him) well/The better shall (Iagos) purpose work on him. Iagos use of his trust is greatly abused and beneficial only to him. His medcine plant life Thus credulous fools are caught... Iago slowly poisons peoples thoughts, implanting ideas in their heads without implication to himself. Iago, a masterful deceiver, says, And whats he t... be a person of exceeding honesty, (who) knows all qualities, with knowledgeable spirit of human dealings. Iago does know all about human dealings, but he is far from honest. He uses the trust Othello puts into their friendsh ip to turn him into a avaricious man. Iago told Othello that his wife was cheating on him thus Othello thought he was killing for justice. He even said he loved not wisely but too well. When the opportunity occurred Iago was lurking, waiting for the chance to take advantage of Othello. Iago succeeded in destroying all he sought out. Works Cited and Consulted Bradley, A.C. Shakespearean Tragedy. New York Penguin Books, 1991. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Othello the bind off of Venice The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stanley Wells & Gary Taylor. New York/London, W.W. Norton Company,1997. 2100-2174
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Use of Dramatic Techniques in Cartwrights Road and Kanes Blasted Essa
Use of Dramatic Techniques in Cartwrights Road and Kanes Blasted In this sample I shall abbreviate on the plays Road by Jim Cartwright and Blasted by Sarah Kane with specific reference to use of terminology and structure of dialogue as examples of prominent techniques. My explanation of prominent techniques is perhaps similar to Brechts mental picture regarding this theme ...The strong centralisation of the story, a momentum that draws the separate parts into a common relationship. A particular heat energy of utterance, a accepted emphasis on the class of forces are hallmarks of the dramatic. (Brechtp70) Here we can perhaps see the way in which Brecht explains the aim of techniques such as use of language and structure of dialogue. They in essence are attempting to draw together a common theme. Perhaps in Road language and dialogue is attempting to rise up a good sense of futility in individuals lives, whereas in Blasted the theme could be the atrocities of war are on both a personal and national level. How is the drama pictured finished the playwrights techniques? In road, Cartwright uses definite techniques of language to create dramatic tension and in some instances irony. Firstly his use of rhyming worlds within the dialogue creates a number of aspects. within Valeries monologue the phrase pissing and missing the bog has sibilance from the repetition of the s sound. Dramatically this creates a harsh consonant sound almost as if they actor play Valerie is aggressively cough out out the anger that she feels about her husband. Within class this line was delivered with the dictated Northern accent which furthered the sibilant qualit... ...ife up North. It is perhaps my deliver error that I feel more comfortable with Road there is love shown through the moments of Joey and Clare, and there is friendship, Carol and Louise. Blasted on the other hand holds nothing aspirant and in my opinion little which is insightf ul. Kanes use of dramatic techniques is rooted in the interaction of characters and their dialogue whereas Cartwright reveals characters in a more insular fashion through the use of dramatic monologues, and the descriptions they use. In short I weep when Joey dies, I laugh when Carol and Brenda provide humour, but Blasted I am just shocked. whole caboodle Cited Banks, R.A. Drama & Theatre Arts, Hodder publicise Plc, London, 1991. Brecht, B. Brecht on Theatre, Metheun Publishing Ltd, London, 1957. Boal, A. Theatre of the Oppressed, Pluto Press, London, 1979. Use of Dramatic Techniques in Cartwrights Road and Kanes Blasted EssaUse of Dramatic Techniques in Cartwrights Road and Kanes Blasted In this essay I shall concentrate on the plays Road by Jim Cartwright and Blasted by Sarah Kane with specific reference to use of language and structure of dialogue as examples of dramatic techniques. My explanation of dramatic techniques is perhaps akin to Brechts opi nion regarding this theme ...The strong centralisation of the story, a momentum that draws the separate parts into a common relationship. A particular passion of utterance, a certain emphasis on the class of forces are hallmarks of the dramatic. (Brechtp70) Here we can perhaps see the way in which Brecht explains the aim of techniques such as use of language and structure of dialogue. They in essence are attempting to draw together a common theme. Perhaps in Road language and dialogue is attempting to prove a sense of futility in individuals lives, whereas in Blasted the theme could be the atrocities of war are on both a personal and national level. How is the drama portrayed through the playwrights techniques? In road, Cartwright uses definite techniques of language to create dramatic tension and in some instances irony. Firstly his use of rhyming worlds within the dialogue creates a number of aspects. Within Valeries monologue the phrase pissing and missing the bo g has sibilance from the repetition of the s sound. Dramatically this creates a harsh consonant sound almost as if they actor playing Valerie is aggressively spitting out the anger that she feels about her husband. Within class this line was delivered with the dictated Northern accent which furthered the sibilant qualit... ...ife up North. It is perhaps my own error that I feel more comfortable with Road there is love shown through the moments of Joey and Clare, and there is friendship, Carol and Louise. Blasted on the other hand holds nothing hopeful and in my opinion little which is insightful. Kanes use of dramatic techniques is rooted in the interaction of characters and their dialogue whereas Cartwright reveals characters in a more insular fashion through the use of dramatic monologues, and the descriptions they use. In short I weep when Joey dies, I laugh when Carol and Brenda provide humour, but Blasted I am just shocked. Works Cited Banks, R.A. Drama & Theatr e Arts, Hodder Headline Plc, London, 1991. Brecht, B. Brecht on Theatre, Metheun Publishing Ltd, London, 1957. Boal, A. Theatre of the Oppressed, Pluto Press, London, 1979.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Natural Gas as an Alternate Energy Source for Transportation :: Alternate Energy Sources
Natural Gas as an Alternate competency kickoff for TransportationPetroleum, the oil that is refined to create bollixoline and diesel, and that as of now is the main null source powering transportation worldwide, releases too many pollutants into the air and is not very far away from becoming a depleted resource. As global calefacient becomes a larger threat, gas prices rise, and the air in cities almost the world becomes increasingly polluted, it is becoming more apparent that an alternate, and cleaner, source of energy is needed for ingestion in transportation. The best option for a replacement to oil color is natural gas, also known as methane. Today, twenty-four percent of the total energy consumed in the United States is natural gas, which means a change is already in progress (though due to a lack of technology in natural gas recovery and stubbornness of consumers, it is happening slowly) Pros and Cons. However, the important question is, wherefore is natural gas so of ten better that petroleum? To begin, natural gas is much better for the environment than petroleum. If natural gas vehicles (NGVs) were to become the norm, snow dioxide (CO2) emissions could be alleviated by ninety percent and hydrocarbon emissions could be reduced by 85 percent This is very important, because it is the elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the aura that are responsible for the large increase in the greenhouse effect, which is thought to be create global warming. In addition, natural gas produces only xcii pounds of nitrogen oxides (NO2) and one pound of reciprocal ohm dioxide (SO2) per billion Btu of energy, as opposed to petroleums 448 and 1,122 pounds, respectively The significance of these figures lies in the fact that it is nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides that cause acid rain Pros and Cons. However, converting to natural gas would help more than just the environment.From an economical viewpoint, the widespread use of nat ural gas for transportation purposes as opposed to petroleum in the United States would not only relieve the Statesn opinion on foreign oil, but would also help the economy. This is because lxxxvii percent of natural gas consumed in the United States is domestically produced, which means it is produced in America NGVC. Therefore, using natural gas instead of petroleum as an energy source for transportation would help the environment and the American economy.Natural Gas as an Alternate Energy Source for Transportation Alternate Energy SourcesNatural Gas as an Alternate Energy Source for TransportationPetroleum, the oil that is refined to create gasoline and diesel, and that as of now is the main energy source powering transportation worldwide, releases too many pollutants into the air and is not very far away from becoming a depleted resource. As global warming becomes a larger threat, gas prices rise, and the air in cities around the world becomes increasingly polluted, it is be coming more apparent that an alternate, and cleaner, source of energy is needed for use in transportation. The best option for a replacement to petroleum is natural gas, also known as methane. Today, twenty-four percent of the total energy consumed in the United States is natural gas, which means a change is already in progress (though due to a lack of technology in natural gas recovery and stubbornness of consumers, it is happening slowly) Pros and Cons. However, the important question is, why is natural gas so much better that petroleum? To begin, natural gas is much better for the environment than petroleum. If natural gas vehicles (NGVs) were to become the norm, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions could be alleviated by ninety percent and hydrocarbon emissions could be reduced by eighty-five percent This is very important, because it is the elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that are responsible for the large increase in the greenhouse effect, which i s thought to be causing global warming. In addition, natural gas produces only ninety-two pounds of nitrogen oxides (NO2) and one pound of sulfur dioxide (SO2) per billion Btu of energy, as opposed to petroleums 448 and 1,122 pounds, respectively The significance of these figures lies in the fact that it is nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides that cause acid rain Pros and Cons. However, converting to natural gas would help more than just the environment.From an economic viewpoint, the widespread use of natural gas for transportation purposes as opposed to petroleum in the United States would not only relieve American reliance on foreign oil, but would also help the economy. This is because eighty-seven percent of natural gas consumed in the United States is domestically produced, which means it is produced in America NGVC. Therefore, using natural gas instead of petroleum as an energy source for transportation would help the environment and the American economy.
Natural Gas as an Alternate Energy Source for Transportation :: Alternate Energy Sources
Natural Gas as an flip-flop Energy Source for TransportationPetroleum, the oil that is refined to wee-wee featureoline and diesel, and that as of now is the main energy source powering transportation worldwide, releases too umpteen pollutants into the line of descent and is not very far away from become a depleted resource. As global warming becomes a larger threat, shoot a line prices rise, and the air in cities around the world becomes increasingly polluted, it is becoming a great deal apparent that an alternate, and cleaner, source of energy is needed for use in transportation. The best option for a replacement to petroleum is natural burn out, excessively known as methane. Today, twenty-four percent of the total energy consumed in the linked States is natural gas, which means a change is already in progress (though due to a lack of technology in natural gas recovery and stubbornness of consumers, it is happening slowly) Pros and Cons. However, the all-important(pren ominal) question is, why is natural gas so much better that petroleum? To begin, natural gas is much better for the environment than petroleum. If natural gas vehicles (NGVs) were to become the norm, snow dioxide (CO2) emissions could be alleviated by cardinal percent and hydrocarbon emissions could be reduced by eighty-five percent This is very important, because it is the elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that are responsible for the large subjoin in the greenhouse effect, which is thought to be causing global warming. In addition, natural gas produces only ninety-two pounds of nitrogen oxides (NO2) and one pound of siemens dioxide (SO2) per billion Btu of energy, as opposed to petroleums 448 and 1,122 pounds, respectively The significance of these figures lies in the detail that it is nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides that cause acid rain Pros and Cons. However, converting to natural gas would assistance more than just the environment.From an economic viewpoint, the widespread use of natural gas for transportation purposes as opposed to petroleum in the United States would not only relieve American reliance on foreign oil, but would also help the economy. This is because eighty-seven percent of natural gas consumed in the United States is domestically produced, which means it is produced in America NGVC. Therefore, using natural gas preferably of petroleum as an energy source for transportation would help the environment and the American economy.Natural Gas as an Alternate Energy Source for Transportation Alternate Energy SourcesNatural Gas as an Alternate Energy Source for TransportationPetroleum, the oil that is refined to create gasoline and diesel, and that as of now is the main energy source powering transportation worldwide, releases too many pollutants into the air and is not very far away from becoming a depleted resource. As global warming becomes a larger threat, gas prices rise, and th e air in cities around the world becomes increasingly polluted, it is becoming more apparent that an alternate, and cleaner, source of energy is needed for use in transportation. The best option for a replacement to petroleum is natural gas, also known as methane. Today, twenty-four percent of the total energy consumed in the United States is natural gas, which means a change is already in progress (though due to a lack of technology in natural gas recovery and stubbornness of consumers, it is happening slowly) Pros and Cons. However, the important question is, why is natural gas so much better that petroleum? To begin, natural gas is much better for the environment than petroleum. If natural gas vehicles (NGVs) were to become the norm, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions could be alleviated by ninety percent and hydrocarbon emissions could be reduced by eighty-five percent This is very important, because it is the elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that are responsible for the large increase in the greenhouse effect, which is thought to be causing global warming. In addition, natural gas produces only ninety-two pounds of nitrogen oxides (NO2) and one pound of sulfur dioxide (SO2) per billion Btu of energy, as opposed to petroleums 448 and 1,122 pounds, respectively The significance of these figures lies in the fact that it is nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides that cause acid rain Pros and Cons. However, converting to natural gas would help more than just the environment.From an economic viewpoint, the widespread use of natural gas for transportation purposes as opposed to petroleum in the United States would not only relieve American reliance on foreign oil, but would also help the economy. This is because eighty-seven percent of natural gas consumed in the United States is domestically produced, which means it is produced in America NGVC. Therefore, using natural gas instead of petroleum as an energy source for transportation would help the environment and the American economy.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Demographic Perspectives of Thomas Malthus and Karl Marx with respect to the causes and consequences of population growth Essay
As we venture further into the 21st century, the global race seems to be growing at an alarming rate. By 2030 the world is to home of estimation 8.3 billion, as compared to 6.12 billion just 30 years prior. (UN 2008) This quote speaks to the increase universe growth that the world is facing right now. A demographic perspective is an understanding of how the sustains of tribe are related to the consequences. Thomas Malthus and Karl Marx are population theorists who are concerned with the control of the population, modernization and economic growth, to name a few. Firstly, Poverty was oneness of the leading problems that both sociologists saw would come out of the population growth. However they both ascertain it to two different causes. Population growth is generated by kind-hearted beings who like other species are driven by a special urge to reproduce.(Malthus) Malthus posited that it was due to persons in poverty with all their free time and their timeless passion that pover ty is on the rise. He believes that persons in poverty because they have nothing to do during the day just engage in sexual dissembleivity and reproduce causing population growth at an exponential function level. On the other hand Marx attacked the writing of Thomas Malthus retorting that free time to have sex wasnt the cause but in fact the cause was an exploitation of the workers by the owners of the means of production. He attested that the specific relations of exploitation which obtained at that time among wage workers and capitalists, and the antagonistic relations between the landed and the industrial interests, changing them into the operation of the natural law of necessity that manifests itself through positive checks to population growth. Furthermore Marx and Malthus differ in opinions on if federation continues to increase can they move i.e. feed themselves.Malthus in his essay on the Principle of Population (1798), Malthus presented a startling idea. He theorized th at the population grew exponentially (i.e. 2,4,6,8 etc), whilst fare supply grew arithmetically (i.e. 1, 2, 3 etc). This idea, dubbed the Malthusian Equation, was seen as proof that the world population would inevitably outstrip food supply. The result, he believed, would be human anarchy. The population would thus be dramatically reduced, as many the majority being curt would die from starvation. This can be supported with the study in Calcutta India which has witnessed unbridled population growth. In the streets of the city, which are notorious for being the dirtiest and most densely populated in the world, thousands starve to death. (Musapha, 2006). However Marx did not feel the corresponding way as he disputes Malthus statement about society not being able to last.Marx postulates that the food supply is not threatened by over-population. He claims that with the use of technology it is possible to produce food and other goods needed to meet the demand of a growing population. Therefore the growing population would survive as technological advancements would make it possible. Nevertheless the issue of over-population is a key issue to be discussed. These two sociologists see differing arguments when it comes to over-population. Malthus believes that over-population would lead to famine, pestilence and war which would act as a natural limit to human population increase. In order to combat the imminent demise of the human race, Malthus suggested preventative and positive checks. He was particularly critical of the poor, who he saw as thorns in the side of society.He was a strong advocator of the abolition of the Poor Law, a welfare system which he believed encouraged the poor to reproduce themselves. He saw no reason to pay the poor as they wouldnt be able to ameliorate their position and would continue to be a parasite on society. Instead he advocated that the money be given to the upper classes, so they could contribute to high society art, science etc. H e believed strongly that it was the poor who were to be eradicated and the rich to take the dominion of the world and carry on the rich legacy. In Herberts Spencer this was survival of the fittest. On the contrary Marxs most robust criticism of Malthus theory is the latters opinion that the poor are culpable for the global demise. He believes that it is not the poor that is to be blamed for the population surge, but the rich.He believes that in an effort to accumulate and exsert capital growth, the rich rely heavily on the poor to reproduce themselves. This is because when there is a large crunch force but a scarcity of jobs the worker, in his desperation for employment, will work for anything. Thus the capitalists are able to keep wages very low and a reserve army of labour is endangered, who will work at anytime for anything. The bourgeoisie brainwash the proletariat into thinking that large families will result in greater chances of employment, and as a result, population sees a marked expansion.Therefore, in Marxs eyes, Malthus theory in the capitalists attempt to rectify social phenomena and blame the poor for something that is not their fault. In closing, both the Malthusian and Marxist theories on demographics have their similarities and differences. There are tenets of their ideas coming through in all aspects of modern society. However, to apply only one to the current situation is a flawed approach, as there must be a combination of the best elements of the two.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Cengel Solutions
Chapter 4 mobile Kinematics bases Manual for Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by Cengel & Cimbala CHAPTER 4 FLUID KINEMATICS proprietorship AND CONFIDENTIAL This Manual is the proprietary property of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (McGraw-Hill) and protected by copyright and other state and federal laws.By opening and apply this Manual the user agrees to the spargon- clock time activity restrictions, and if the recipient does not agree to these restrictions, the Manual should be promptly returned unopened to McGraw-Hill This Manual is being provided just to authorized professors and instructors for use in preparing for the classes victimisation the connected textbook. No other use or dispersion of this Manual is permitted. This Manual whitethorn not be sold and may not be distributed to or used by all student or other third party.No part of this Manual may be reproduced, displayed or distributed in some(prenominal) unionise or by any means, electronic or ot herwise, without the prior written permission of McGraw-Hill. 4-1 proprietorship MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted completely to teachers and educators for manikin preparation. If you be a student victimization this Manual, you atomic number 18 using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics Introductory Problems 4-1C resolution We ar to secure and rationalize kinematics and still kinematics. Analysis Kinematics means the vignette of cause.Fluid kinematics is the study of how tranquils period and how to describe fluid motion. Fluid kinematics deals with describing the motion of fluids without considering (or eve understanding) the forces and moments that cause the motion. reciprocation Fluid kinematics deals with such things as describing how a fluid instalment translates, distorts, and rotates, and how to visualize menstruation champaigns. 4-2 stem We argon to write an par for centerline speed through with (predicate) a nozzle, given that the consort speed increases parabolically. Assumptions 1 The track down is pie-eyed. 2 The lead is axisymmetric. The water is incompressible. Analysis A general equation for a parabola in the x steering is u = a + b ( x ? c) General parabolic equation 2 (1) We put up two leap conditions, namely at x = 0, u = uentrance and at x = L, u = uexit. By inspection, Eq. 1 is cheerful by setting c = 0, a = uentrance and b = (uexit uentrance)/L2. Thus, Eq. 1 becomes u = uentrance + Parabolic speed ( uexit ? uentrance ) L2 x2 (2) Discussion You can verify Eq. 2 by plugging in x = 0 and x = L. 4-3 response localization principle. For a given hurrying electron orbit we atomic number 18 to find out if t present is a stagnation target.If so, we atomic number 18 to attend its Assumptions 1 The light is steady. 2 The tend is two-dimensional in the x-y plane. Analysis The focal ratio field is V = ( u , v ) = ( 0. 5 + 1. 2 x ) i + ( ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y ) j (1) At a stagnation maculation, both u and v must(prenominal) equal home in. At any point (x,y) in the flow field, the f number comp sensationnts u and v ar obtained from Eq. 1, upper components u = 0. 5 + 1. 2 x v = ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y (2) x = ? 0. 4167 y = ? 1. 667 (3) Setting these to cipher yields Stagnation point 0 = 0. 5 + 1. 2 x 0 = ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y So, yes there is a stagnation point its location is x = -0. 17, y = -1. 67 (to 3 digits). Discussion If the flow were leash-dimensional, we would have to set w = 0 as well to bound the location of the stagnation point. In some flow fields there is more than one stagnation point. 4-2 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you argon a student using this Manual, you atomic number 18 using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-4 Solution location. For a given fastness field we are to find out if the re is a stagnation point.If so, we are to calculate its Assumptions 1 The flow is steady. 2 The flow is two-dimensional in the x-y plane. Analysis The fastness field is ( )( ) V = ( u, v ) = a 2 ? ( b ? cx ) i + ? 2cby + 2c 2 xy j 2 (1) At a stagnation point, both u and v must equal energy. At any point (x,y) in the flow field, the focal ratio components u and v are obtained from Eq. 1, Velocity components u = a 2 ? ( b ? cx ) 2 v = ? 2cby + 2c 2 xy (2) b? a c y=0 (3) Setting these to zero and solving simultaneously yields Stagnation point 0 = a 2 ? ( b ? cx ) 2 x= v = ? 2cby + 2c xy So, yes there is a stagnation point its location is x = (b a)/c, y = 0. Discussion If the flow were three-dimensional, we would have to set w = 0 as well to determine the location of the stagnation point. In some flow fields there is more than one stagnation point. Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions 4-5C Solution We are to define the Lagrangian description of fluid motion. Analysis In the Lagrangi an description of fluid motion, individual fluid blood corpuscles (fluid elements composed of a immovable, placeable mass of fluid) are go all overed. DiscussionThe Lagrangian method of studying fluid motion is similar to that of studying billiard balls and other solid objects in physics. 4-6C Solution We are to compare the Lagrangian method to the study of systems and manoeuvre volumes and determine to which of these it is to the highest degree similar. Analysis The Lagrangian method is more similar to system analysis (i. e. , closed system analysis). In both cases, we follow a mass of amend identity as it moves in a flow. In a control volume analysis, on the other hand, mass moves into and out of the control volume, and we dont follow any particular chunk of fluid.Instead we analyze whatever fluid happens to be inside the control volume at the time. Discussion to a point. In fact, the Lagrangian analysis is the same as a system analysis in the limit as the size of the syst em shrinks 4-3 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-7C Solution description. We are to define the Eulerian description of fluid motion, and explain how it differs from the LagrangianAnalysis In the Eulerian description of fluid motion, we are concerned with field variables, such as velocity, pressure, temperature, etc. , as functions of space and time within a flow domain or control volume. In contrast to the Lagrangian method, fluid flows into and out of the Eulerian flow domain, and we do not keep track of the motion of particular identifiable fluid particles. Discussion The Eulerian method of studying fluid motion is not as natural as the Lagrangian method since the fundamental conservation laws apply to pathetic particles, not to fields. -8C Solution We are to determ ine whether a measurement is Lagrangian or Eulerian. Analysis Since the probe is fixed in space and the fluid flows just about it, we are not following individual fluid particles as they move. Instead, we are measuring a field variable at a particular location in space. Thus this is an Eulerian measurement. Discussion If a neutrally buoyant probe were to move with the flow, its results would be Lagrangian measurements following fluid particles. 4-9C Solution We are to determine whether a measurement is Lagrangian or Eulerian. AnalysisSince the probe moves with the flow and is neutrally buoyant, we are following individual fluid particles as they move through the pump. Thus this is a Lagrangian measurement. Discussion If the probe were instead fixed at one location in the flow, its results would be Eulerian measurements. 4-10C Solution We are to determine whether a measurement is Lagrangian or Eulerian. Analysis Since the weather balloon moves with the circularise and is neutrally buoyant, we are following individual fluid particles as they move through the atmosphere. Thus this is a Lagrangian measurement.Note that in this case the fluid particle is huge, and can follow gross features of the flow the balloon obviously cannot follow small scale turbulent fluctuations in the atmosphere. Discussion When weather monitoring instruments are mounted on the roof of a building, the results are Eulerian measurements. 4-11C Solution We are to determine whether a measurement is Lagrangian or Eulerian. Analysis Relative to the airplane, the probe is fixed and the air flows around it. We are not following individual fluid particles as they move. Instead, we are measuring a field variable at a particular location in space relative to the moving airplane.Thus this is an Eulerian measurement. Discussion The airplane is moving, but it is not moving with the flow. 4-4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-12C Solution We are to compare the Eulerian method to the study of systems and control volumes and determine to which of these it is most similar. Analysis The Eulerian method is more similar to control volume analysis.In both cases, mass moves into and out of the flow domain or control volume, and we dont follow any particular chunk of fluid. Instead we analyze whatever fluid happens to be inside the control volume at the time. Discussion In fact, the Eulerian analysis is the same as a control volume analysis except that Eulerian analysis is usually applied to infinitesimal volumes and differential equations of fluid flow, whereas control volume analysis usually refers to finite volumes and integral equations of fluid flow. 4-13C Solution flow. We are to define a steady flow field in the Eulerian description, and debate particle speedup i n such aAnalysis A flow field is defined as steady in the Eulerian frame of reference when properties at any point in the flow field do not convert with respect to time. In such a flow field, individual fluid particles may still experience non-zero quickening the answer to the question is yes. Discussion ( a = dV / dt ) Although velocity is not a function of time in a steady flow field, its total derivative instrument with respect to time is not necessarily zero since the acceleration is composed of a local ( convulsive) part which is zero and an advective part which is not necessarily zero. 4-14C SolutionWe are to list three alternate names for material derivative. Analysis The material derivative is also called total derivative, particle derivative, Eulerian derivative, Lagrangian derivative, and substantial derivative. Total is appropriate because the material derivative includes both local (unsteady) and convective parts. Particle is appropriate because it stresses that the material derivative is one following fluid particles as they move about in the flow field. Eulerian is appropriate since the material derivative is used to understand from Lagrangian to Eulerian reference frames. Lagrangian is appropriate since the material derivative is used to transform from Lagrangian to Eulerian reference frames. Finally, substantial is not as clear of a term for the material derivative, and we are not sure of its origin. Discussion All of these names punctuate that we are following a fluid particle as it moves through a flow field. 4-5 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-15 Solution We are to calculate the material acceleration for a given velocity field. Assumptions 1 The flow is steady. 2 The flow is incompressible. 3 The flow is two-dimensional in the x-y plane. Analysis The velocity field is V = ( u , v ) = (U 0 + bx ) i ? byj (1) The acceleration field components are obtained from its definition (the material acceleration) in Cartesian coordinates, ? u ?u ?u ?u +u +v +w = 0 + (U 0 + bx ) b + ( ? by ) 0 + 0 ?t ?x ?y ?z ?v ?v ?v ?v ay = + u + v + w = 0 + (U 0 + bx ) 0 + ( ? by )( ? b ) +0 ?t ?x ?y ?z ax = (2) here the unsteady price are zero since this is a steady flow, and the terms with w are zero since the flow is twodimensional. Eq. 2 simplifies to ax = b (U 0 + bx ) ay = b2 y (3) a = b (U 0 + bx ) i + b 2 yj Material acceleration components (4) In terms of a sender, Material acceleration vector Discussion For positive x and b, fluid particles accelerate in the positive x direction. Even though this flow is steady, there is still a non-zero acceleration field. 4-16 Solution particle. For a given pressure and velocity field, we are to calculate the rate of change of pressure following a fluid Assumptions 1 The flow is steady. The flow is incompressible. 3 The flow is two-dimensional in the x-y plane. Analysis The pressure field is P = P0 ? Pressure field 2U 0 bx + b 2 ( x 2 + y 2 ) ? 2? ? (1) By definition, the material derivative, when applied to pressure, produces the rate of change of pressure following a fluid particle. Using Eq. 1 and the velocity components from the previous problem, DP ? P ?P ?P = +u +v + Dt ?t ?x ?y Steady ( w ?P ?z (2) flattened ) ( = (U 0 + bx ) ? ?U 0 b ? ? b 2 x + ( ? by ) ? ? b 2 y ) where the unsteady term is zero since this is a steady flow, and the term with w is zero since the flow is two-dimensional.Eq. 2 simplifies to the following rate of change of pressure following a fluid particle ( ) DP 2 = ? ? ? U 0 b ? 2U 0 b 2 x + b3 y 2 ? x 2 ? ? ? Dt (3) Discussion The material derivative can be applied to any flow property, scalar or vector. Here we apply it to the pressure, a scalar quantity. 4-6 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-17 SolutionFor a given velocity field we are to calculate the acceleration. Assumptions 1 The flow is steady. 2 The flow is two-dimensional in the x-y plane. Analysis The velocity components are Velocity components u = 1. 1 + 2. 8 x + 0. 65 y v = 0. 98 ? 2. 1x ? 2. 8 y (1) The acceleration field components are obtained from its definition (the material acceleration) in Cartesian coordinates, ? u ?u ?u ?u +u +v +w = 0 + (1. 1 + 2. 8 x + 0. 65 y )( 2. 8 ) + ( 0. 98 ? 2. 1x ? 2. 8 y )( 0. 65 ) + 0 ? t ?x ?y ?z ?v ?v ?v ?v + u + v + w = 0 + (1. 1 + 2. 8 x + 0. 65 y )( ? 2. 1) + ( 0. 98 ? 2. 1x ? 2. 8 y )( ? 2. ) +0 ay = ?t ?x ?y ?z ax = (2) where the unsteady terms are zero since this is a steady flow, and the terms with w are zero since the flow is twodimensional. Eq. 2 simplifies to speedup components a x = 3. 717 + 6. 475 x a y = ? 5. 054 + 6. 475 y (3) At the point (x,y) = (-2,3), the acceleration components of Eq. 3 are Acceleration components at (-2,3) ax = ? 9. 233 ? -9. 23 a y = 14. 371 ? 14. 4 Discussion The final answers are given to three significant digits. No units are given in either the problem statement or the answers. We assume that the coefficients have appropriate units. 4-18 SolutionFor a given velocity field we are to calculate the acceleration. Assumptions 1 The flow is steady. 2 The flow is two-dimensional in the x-y plane. Analysis The velocity components are Velocity components u = 0. 20 + 1. 3 x + 0. 85 y v = ? 0. 50 + 0. 95 x ? 1. 3 y (1) The acceleration field components are obtained from its definition (the material acceleration) in Cartesian coordinates, ? u ?u ?u ?u +u +v +w = 0 + ( 0. 20 + 1. 3 x + 0. 85 y )(1. 3) + ( ? 0. 50 + 0. 95 x ? 1. 3 y )( 0. 85 ) + 0 ? t ?x ?y ?z ?v ?v ?v ?v + u + v + w = 0 + ( 0. 20 + 1. 3 x + 0. 85 y )( 0. 95 ) + ( ? 0. 50 + 0. 95 x ? 1. y )( ? 1. 3 ) +0 ay = ?t ?x ?y ?z ax = (2) where the unsteady terms are zero since this is a steady flow, and the terms with w are zero since the flow is twodimensional. Eq. 2 simplifies to Acceleration components ax = ? 0. 165 + 2. 4975 x a y = 0. 84 + 2. 4975 y (3) At the point (x,y) = (1,2), the acceleration components of Eq. 3 are Acceleration components at (1,2) ax = 2. 3325 ? 2. 33 a y = 5. 835 ? 5. 84 Discussion The final answers are given to three significant digits. No units are given in either the problem statement or the answers. We assume that the coefficients have appropriate units. -7 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-19 Solution We are to generate an expression for the fluid acceleration for a given velocity. Assumptions 1 The flow is stead y. 2 The flow is axisymmetric. 3 The water is incompressible. Analysis In Problem 4-2 we found that on the centerline, u = uentrance + Speed along centerline of nozzle ( uexit ? uentrance ) x2 (1) ?u ?u ?u ?u +u +v +w ?t ?x y ?z (2) L2 To find the acceleration in the x-direction, we use the material acceleration, ax = Acceleration along centerline of nozzle The first term in Eq. 2 is zero because the flow is steady. The last two terms are zero because the flow is axisymmetric, which means that along the centerline there can be no v or w velocity component. We substitute Eq. 1 for u to obtain Acceleration along centerline of nozzle ax = u ( uexit ? uentrance ) 2 ? ( uexit ? uentrance ) ?u ? = ? uentrance + x ? ( 2) x ? ? ?x ? L2 L2 ? (3) or ax = 2uentrance Discussion ( uexit ? uentrance ) L2 x+2 ( uexit ? uentrance )L4 2 x3 (4) Fluid particles are accelerated along the centerline of the nozzle, even though the flow is steady. 4-20 Solution We are to write an equation for centerline speed through a diffuser, given that the flow speed decreases parabolically. Assumptions 1 The flow is steady. 2 The flow is axisymmetric. Analysis A general equation for a parabola in x is General parabolic equation u = a + b ( x ? c) 2 (1) We have two boundary conditions, namely at x = 0, u = uentrance and at x = L, u = uexit. By inspection, Eq. 1 is satisfied by setting c = 0, a = uentrance and b = (uexit uentrance)/L2. Thus, Eq. becomes Parabolic speed Discussion u = uentrance + ( uexit ? uentrance ) L2 x2 (2) You can verify Eq. 2 by plugging in x = 0 and x = L. 4-8 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-21 Solution We are to generate an expression for the fluid acceleration for a given velocity, and then calculate its value at two x locations. Assumptions 1 The flow i s steady. 2 The flow is axisymmetric. AnalysisIn the previous problem, we found that along the centerline, u = uentrance + Speed along centerline of diffuser ( uexit ? uentrance ) 2 L x2 (1) To find the acceleration in the x-direction, we use the material acceleration, Acceleration along centerline of diffuser ax = ?u ?u ?u ?u +w +u +v ?z ?t ?x ?y (2) The first term in Eq. 2 is zero because the flow is steady. The last two terms are zero because the flow is axisymmetric, which means that along the centerline there can be no v or w velocity component. We substitute Eq. 1 for u to obtain Acceleration along centerline of diffuser ( uexit ? uentrance ) x 2 ? ( uexit ? entrance ) x ?u ? = ? uentrance + ax = u ? ( 2) ? ?x ? L2 L2 ? ? or ax = 2uentrance ( uexit ? uentrance ) 2 L x+2 ( uexit ? uentrance ) 2 4 L x3 (3) At the given locations, we substitute the given values. At x = 0, Acceleration along centerline of diffuser at x = 0 ax ( x = 0 ) = 0 (4) At x = 1. 0 m, Acceleration along cen terline of diffuser at x = 1. 0 m ax ( x = 1. 0 m ) = 2 ( 30. 0 m/s ) ( ? 25. 0 m/s ) ( ? 25. 0 m/s ) 3 (1. 0 m ) + 2 (1. 0 m ) 2 4 ( 2. 0 m ) ( 2. 0 m ) 2 (5) = -297 m/s 2 Discussion ax is negative implying that fluid particles are decelerated along the centerline of the diffuser, even though the flow is steady.Because of the parabolic nature of the velocity field, the acceleration is zero at the entrance of the diffuser, but its magnitude increases rapidly downstream. 4-9 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics Flow Patterns and Flow Visualization 4-22C Solution We are to define variety and discuss what contours indicate. Analysis A streamline is a curve that is everywhere tangent to the instantaneous local velocity vector.It indicates the instantaneous direction of fluid motion throughout the flow field. Discussion If a flow field is steady, streamlines, pathlines, and running playlines are identical. 4-23 Solution For a given velocity field we are to generate an equation for the streamlines. Assumptions 1 The flow is steady. 2 The flow is two-dimensional in the x-y plane. The steady, two-dimensional velocity field of Problem 4-15 is Analysis V = ( u , v ) = (U 0 + bx ) i ? byj Velocity field (1) For two-dimensional flow in the x-y plane, streamlines are given by Streamlines in the x-y plane dy ? v = dx ? along a streamline u (2) We substitute the u and v components of Eq. 1 into Eq. 2 and rearrange to get dy ?by = dx U 0 + bx We act upon the supra differential equation by separation of variables dy dx = by ? U 0 + bx Integration yields 1 1 1 ? ln ( by ) = ln (U 0 + bx ) + ln C1 b b b (3) where we have set the constant of integration as the natural logarithm of some constant C1, with a constant in presence in part to simplify the algebra (not ice that the factor of 1/b can be removed from each term in Eq. 3). When we recall that ln(ab) = lna + lnb, and that lna = ln(1/a), Eq. 3 simplifies to compare for streamlines y= CU 0 + bx ) ( (4) The new constant C is related to C1, and is introduced for simplicity. Discussion Each value of constant C yields a unique streamline of the flow. 4-10 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-24E Solution For a given velocity field we are to plat several streamlines for a given range of x and y values. 3 Assumptions 1 The flow is steady. 2 The flow is two-dimensional in the x-y plane. Analysis From the solution to the previous problem, an equation for the streamlines is 1 Streamlines in the x-y plane y= C (U 0 + bx ) (1) y0 (ft) Constant C is set to various values in order to plo t the streamlines. some(prenominal) streamlines in the given range of x and y are plotted in Fig. 1. The direction of the flow is found by calculating u and v at some point in the flow field. We choose x = 1 ft, y = 1 ft. At this point u = 9. 6 ft/s and v = 4. 6 ft/s. The direction of the velocity at this point is obviously to the lower right. This sets the direction of all the streamlines. The arrows in Fig. indicate the direction of flow. Discussion -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 x (ft) 4 5 The flow is type of converging channel flow. FIGURE 1 Streamlines (solid blue curves) for the given velocity field x and y are in units of ft. 4-25C Solution We are to determine what kind of flow visualization is seen in a photograph. Analysis Since the picture is a snapshot of dye streaks in water, each streak shows the time history of dye that was introduced earlier from a port in the body. Thus these are streaklines. Since the flow appears to be steady, these streaklines are the same as pathlines and st reamlines. DiscussionIt is fictitious that the dye follows the flow of the water. If the dye is of nearly the same density as the water, this is a reasonable assumption. 4-26C Solution We are to define pathline and discuss what pathlines indicate. Analysis A pathline is the actual path traveled by an individual fluid particle over some time period. It indicates the exact route along which a fluid particle travels from its starting point to its ending point. Unlike streamlines, pathlines are not instantaneous, but involve a finite time period. Discussion If a flow field is steady, streamlines, pathlines, and streaklines are identical. -27C Solution We are to define streakline and discuss the difference between streaklines and streamlines. Analysis A streakline is the locus of fluid particles that have passed sequentially through a prescribed point in the flow. Streaklines are very different than streamlines. Streamlines are instantaneous curves, everywhere tangent to the local veloc ity, while streaklines are produced over a finite time period. In an unsteady flow, streaklines distort and then retain features of that distorted shape even as the flow field changes, whereas streamlines change instantaneously with the flow field.Discussion If a flow field is steady, streamlines and streaklines are identical. 4-11 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-28C Solution We are to determine what kind of flow visualization is seen in a photograph. Analysis Since the picture is a snapshot of dye streaks in water, each streak shows the time history of dye that was introduced earlier from a port in the body.Thus these are streaklines. Since the flow appears to be unsteady, these streaklines are not the same as pathlines or streamlines. Discussion It is assumed that the dye follows the flow of the water. If the dye is of nearly the same density as the water, this is a reasonable assumption. 4-29C Solution We are to determine what kind of flow visualization is seen in a photograph. Analysis Since the picture is a snapshot of smoke streaks in air, each streak shows the time history of smoke that was introduced earlier from the smoke wire. Thus these are streaklines.Since the flow appears to be unsteady, these streaklines are not the same as pathlines or streamlines. Discussion It is assumed that the smoke follows the flow of the air. If the smoke is neutrally buoyant, this is a reasonable assumption. In actuality, the smoke rises a bit since it is hot however, the air speeds are high enough that this effect is negligible. 4-30C Solution We are to determine what kind of flow visualization is seen in a photograph. Analysis Since the picture is a time exposure of air bubbles in water, each white streak shows the path of an individual air bubble.Thus these are pathlines. Since the outer flow (top and bottom portions of the photograph) appears to be steady, these pathlines are the same as streaklines and streamlines. Discussion It is assumed that the air bubbles follow the flow of the water. If the bubbles are small enough, this is a reasonable assumption. 4-31C Solution We are to define timeline and discuss how timelines can be produced in a water channel. We are also to describe an application where timelines are more useful than streaklines. Analysis A timeline is a set of adjacent fluid particles that were marked at the same instant of time.Timelines can be produced in a water flow by using a hydrogen bubble wire. There are also techniques in which a chemical reaction is initiated by applying current to the wire, changing the fluid tinct along the wire. Timelines are more useful than streaklines when the uniformity of a flow is to be visualized. Another application is to visualize the velocity profile of a boundary layer or a channel flow. Discussion Timelines differ from streamlines, streaklines, and pathlines even if the flow is steady. 4-32C Solution For each case we are to decide whether a vector plot or contour plot is most appropriate, and we are to explain our choice.Analysis In general, contour plots are most appropriate for scalars, while vector plots are necessary when vectors are to be visualized. (a) A contour plot of speed is most appropriate since fluid speed is a scalar. (b) A vector plot of velocity vectors would clearly show where the flow separates. Alternatively, a vorticity contour plot of vorticity normal to the plane would also show the separation region clearly. (c) A contour plot of temperature is most appropriate since temperature is a scalar. (d) A contour plot of this component of vorticity is most appropriate since one component of a vector is a scalar.Discussion There are other options for case (b) temperature contours can also sometimes be used to identify a separation z one. 4-12 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-33 Solution For a given velocity field we are to generate an equation for the streamlines and sketch several streamlines in the first quadrant. Assumptions 1 The flow is steady. 2 The flow is two-dimensional in the x-y plane.Analysis The velocity field is given by V = ( u , v ) = ( 0. 5 + 1. 2 x ) i + ( ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y ) j (1) For two-dimensional flow in the x-y plane, streamlines are given by dy ? v = ? dx ? along a streamline u Streamlines in the x-y plane (2) We substitute the u and v components of Eq. 1 into Eq. 2 and rearrange to get dy ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y = dx 0. 5 + 1. 2 x We solve the above differential equation by separation of variables dy dx = ?2. 0 ? 1. 2 y 0. 5 + 1. 2 x dy dx ? ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y = ? 0. 5 + 1. 2 x Inte gration yields ? 1 1 1 ln ( ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y ) = ln ( 0. 5 + 1. 2 x ) ? ln C1 1. 2 1. 2 1. 2 here we have set the constant of integration as the natural logarithm of some constant C1, with a constant in front in order to simplify the algebra. When we recall that ln(ab) = lna + lnb, and that lna = ln(1/a), Eq. 3 simplifies to Equation for streamlines y= 5 y 4 3 2 C ? 1. 667 1. 2 ( 0. 5 + 1. 2 x ) 1 The new constant C is related to C1, and is introduced for simplicity. C can be set to various values in order to plot the streamlines. Several streamlines in the upper right quadrant of the given flow field are shown in Fig. 1. The direction of the flow is found by calculating u and v at some point in the flow field.We choose x = 3, y = 3. At this point u = 4. 1 and v = -5. 6. The direction of the velocity at this point is obviously to the lower right. This sets the direction of all the streamlines. The arrows in Fig. 1 indicate the direction of flow. Discussion 6 (3) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x FIGUR E 1 Streamlines (solid black curves) for the given velocity field. The flow appears to be a contraclockwise turning flow in the upper right quadrant. 4-13 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation.If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-34 Solution For a given velocity field we are to generate a velocity vector plot in the first quadrant. Scale 6 Assumptions 1 The flow is steady. 2 The flow is two-dimensional in the x-y plane. Analysis 5 y4 The velocity field is given by V = ( u , v ) = ( 0. 5 + 1. 2 x ) i + ( ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y ) j 3 (1) 2 At any point (x,y) in the flow field, the velocity components u and v are obtained from Eq. 1, Velocity components u = 0. 5 + 1. 2 x 10 m/s v = ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y 1 0 (2) 0To plot velocity vectors, we simply pick an (x,y) point, calculate u and v from Eq. 2, and plot an arrow with its t ail at (x,y), and its dot at (x+Su,y+Sv) where S is some scale factor for the vector plot. For the vector plot shown in Fig. 1, we chose S = 0. 2, and plot velocity vectors at several locations in the first quadrant. 1 2 3 4 5 x FIGURE 1 Velocity vectors for the given velocity field. The scale is shown by the top arrow. Discussion The flow appears to be a counterclockwise turning flow in the upper right quadrant. 4-35 Solution For a given velocity field we are to generate an acceleration vector plot in the first quadrant.Assumptions 1 The flow is steady. 2 The flow is two-dimensional in the x-y plane. Analysis The velocity field is given by V = ( u , v ) = ( 0. 5 + 1. 2 x ) i + ( ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y ) j (1) At any point (x,y) in the flow field, the velocity components u and v are obtained from Eq. 1, Velocity components u = 0. 5 + 1. 2 x v = ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y Scale (2) 6 The acceleration field is obtained from its definition (the material acceleration), Acceleration components ?u ?u ?u ? u ax = +u +v +w = 0 + ( 0. 5 + 1. 2 x )(1. 2 ) + 0 + 0 ?t ?x ?y ?z ?v ?v ?v ?v ay = + u + v + w = 0 + 0 + ( ? 2. 0 ? 1. 2 y )( ? 1. 2 ) +0 t ?x ?y ?z 5 4 y 3 2 (3) 1 0 0 where the unsteady terms are zero since this is a steady flow, and the terms with w are zero since the flow is two-dimensional. Eq. 3 simplifies to Acceleration components ax = 0. 6 + 1. 44 x a y = 2. 4 + 1. 44 y 10 m/s2 (4) 1 2 3 4 5 x FIGURE 1 Acceleration vectors for the velocity field. The scale is shown by the top arrow. To plot the acceleration vectors, we simply pick an (x,y) point, calculate ax and ay from Eq. 4, and plot an arrow with its tail at (x,y), and its tip at (x+Sax,y+Say) where S is some scale factor for the vector plot. For the vector plot shown in Fig. , we chose S = 0. 15, and plot acceleration vectors at several locations in the first quadrant. Discussion Since the flow is a counterclockwise turning flow in the upper right quadrant, the acceleration vectors point to the upper right (centripeta l acceleration). 4-14 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-36 For the given velocity field, the location(s) of stagnation point(s) are to be determined.Several velocity Solution vectors are to be sketched and the velocity field is to be described. Assumptions 1 The flow is steady and incompressible. 2 The flow is two-dimensional, implying no z-component of velocity and no variation of u or v with z. Analysis (a) The velocity field is Scale V = ( u , v ) = (1 + 2. 5 x + y ) i + ( ? 0. 5 ? 1. 5 x ? 2. 5 y ) j (1) 5 Since V is a vector, all its components must equal zero in order for V itself to be zero. Setting each component of Eq. 1 to zero, Simultaneous equations x = -0. 421 m 4 3 u = 1 + 2. 5 x + y = 0 v = ? 0. 5 ? 1. 5 x ? 2. y = 0 y 2 We can easily solve this set of t wo equations and two unknowns simultaneously. Yes, there is one stagnation point, and it is located at Stagnation point 10 m/s y = 0. 0526 m 1 0 (b) The x and y components of velocity are calculated from Eq. 1 for several (x,y) locations in the specified range. For example, at the point (x = 2 m, y = 3 m), u = 9. 00 m/s and v = -11 m/s. The magnitude of velocity (the speed) at that point is 14. 21 m/s. At this and at an array of other locations, the velocity vector is constructed from its two components, the results of which are shown in Fig. . The flow can be described as a counterclockwise turning, accelerating flow from the upper left to the lower right. The stagnation point of Part (a) does not lie in the upper right quadrant, and therefore does not appear on the sketch. -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x FIGURE 1 Velocity vectors in the upper right quadrant for the given velocity field. Discussion The stagnation point location is given to three significant digits. It will be verified in Chap. 9 that this flow field is physically valid because it satisfies the differential equation for conservation of mass. 4-15 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics 4-37 For the given velocity field, the material acceleration is to be calculated at a particular point and plotted at Solution several locations in the upper right quadrant. Assumptions 1 The flow is steady and incompressible. 2 The flow is two-dimensional, implying no z-component of velocity and no variation of u or v with z. Analysis (a) The velocity field isV = ( u , v ) = (1 + 2. 5 x + y ) i + ( ? 0. 5 ? 1. 5 x ? 2. 5 y ) j (1) Using the velocity field of Eq. 1 and the equation for material acceleration in Cartesian coordinates, we write expressions for the two non-zero components of the acceleration vector ax = ?u ?u +u ?t ?x +v ?u ?y +w ?u ?z Scale = 0 + (1 + 2. 5 x + y )( 2. 5 ) + ( ? 0. 5 ? 1. 5 x ? 2. 5 y )(1) + 0 10 m/s2 5 4 and ay = ?v ?v +u ?t ?x +v ?v ?y +w ?v ?z = 0 + (1 + 2. 5 x + y )( ? 1. 5 ) + ( ? 0. 5 ? 1. 5 x ? 2. 5 y )( ? 2. 5 ) + 0 3 y 2 1 At (x = 2 m, y = 3 m), ax = 11. 5 m/s2 and ay = 14. 0 m/s2. b) The above equations are applied to an array of x and y values in the upper right quadrant, and the acceleration vectors are plotted in Fig. 1. Discussion The acceleration vectors plotted in Fig. 1 point to the upper right, increasing in magnitude away from the origin. This agrees qualitatively with the velocity vectors of Fig. 1 of the previous problem namely, fluid particles are accelerated to the right and are turned in the counterclockwise direction due to centripetal acceleration towards the upper right. Note that the acceleration field is non-zero, even though the flow is steady. 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Fast Food Restaurants Essay
The blame for obesity is almost al demeanors placed on debased food restaurants alone. However, the rise in obesity is contributed by several factors a change in lifestyle, little exercise, bigger food deputes and targeted marketing. To be fair, the presence of abstain food industry is fueled by a major change in the lifestyle of todays generation. The advancement of technology and modern appliances has changed the way we live, harming us in some ways. We drive to work or school instead of walking or cycling. We sit in front of the computer or television for long hours instead of running at the neighborhood with friends.The same goes with our choice in diet. Rather than preparing meals in the kitchen, we would opt for a convenient and time-saving meal at the unfluctuating food restaurant (Nutracheck. co. uk, n. d. , para. 9). Eating at fast food restaurants even uptually becomes an acceptcapable trend in the current society even though most people atomic number 18 well awar e that fast food is bad for them (Whatscookingamerica. net, 2002, On the Other Hand section, para. 2). This comes down to a government issue of choice and individuals responsibility. For our part, we decide on what we eat and we are responsible for our choice (Nutracheck. co. k, n. d. , para. 10). We are responsible for the choice we made, not the company that provides the food (Whatscookingamerica. net, 2002, On the Other Hand section, para. 2).In a typical family setting, one would discover that both husband and wife are working. Otherwise, they would not be able to afford to buy a house or even fund their childrens high uper education. With more women joining the workforce, they no longer have the prodigality of shopping for fresh grocery at the local market and preparing healthy meals for the family (Whatscookingamerica. net, 2004, How We Got So Fat section, para. ). In order to feed their families, these women have not overmuch choice left but to opt for buying fast food. T his is the easiest, most convenient and most affordable option for most families. The children from these families grew up eating affect food and this would have influenced their eating choices as they become adults. Furthermore, most people are just not getting enough exercise to burn rancid the pleonastic calories ingested daily (Whatscookingamerica. net, 2004, How We Got So Fat section, para. 7). Thirty minutes of daily vigorous activity is good enough to ward off heart diseases.However, at least one hour of physical exercise is necessary to burn off the extra calories gained daily (Protraineronline. com, 2011, para. 10). Insufficient exercise coupled with a less physical lifestyle and high-calories diet would only mean that the population grows fatter each day. On the individual level, we are responsible on the amount of calories ingested and burned on a daily basis (Protraineronline. com, 2011, para. 18). If we willingly choose to consume high-caloric fast food yet we do no t tiff to burn off the extra calories, then we can only have ourselves to blame if we become obese.Having said all that, fast food restaurants deserve to pay off in a Brobdingnagian part of the blame for obesity. They made unhealthy food so cheaply and readily available to the population (Nutracheck. co. uk, n. d. , para. 3) and yet most of them do not bother to warn their customers of the unhealthy food served (Whatscookingamerica. net, 2002, On One Hand section, para. 3). Most consumers do not know what is being served to them they are ignorant of the hazardously high sodium, sugar and fat content in the food served. To make matters worse, fast food restaurants are also serving bigger portions compared to a decade ago.The fast food industry is facing a stiff competition. Since it costs just a little bit more to serve a large portion compared to a medium portion, supersizing became a common practice especially for fast food chains like McDonalds, Burger King and Wendys (Whatsco okingamerica. net, 2004, How We Got So Fat section, para. 5). The burgers served are oversized, fries come in extra-large servings and the soda drinks are bottomless (Whatscookingamerica. net, 2002, para. 2). Then again, even if fast food restaurants offer super-size portions, customers are not forced to bivalent their potion (Nutracheck. o. uk, n. d. , para. 8).They can still opt for the normal size serving. Fast food restaurants are also to be blamed for disseminating wrong messages about diet and alimentation in television advertisement targeted towards children (Nutracheck. co. uk, n. d. , para. 7). In these television advertisements, children are convinced to eat processed food that is really bad for them. Fast food restaurants take advantage of the fact that children are more susceptible to marketing campaigns and they cannot decide on what is best for them to eat since they are not as well inform as adult consumers (Nutracheck. o. uk, n. d. , para. 7). Hence, the fast food industry is clearly the culprit of the growing obesity problem among children. In conclusion, the responsibility of choosing healthy food and getting daily exercises lies in every individual to tackle the obesity problem. Meanwhile, fast food restaurants have to bear the blame of serving unhealthy food to their customers, super-sizing portions to curb loyal customers and making children the target of their sinister television advertisement.
Friday, May 24, 2019
A Glimpse Into the Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin
A Glimpse into The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Marie Edmund ENG one hundred twenty-five Introduction to Literature Nathan Pritts February 11, 2013 A Glimpse into The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Literature can be found at every turn and thither are many different genres to choose from. Each brings with it a reinvigorated world for the reader to immerse himself. Literature allows the reader to experience a new perspective. It allows the reader to feel and connect with the story and its characters. No matter the genre, the world created in a literary work provides enlightenment to the reader in malevolence of the varying emotions it conveys.One such literary work is Kate Chopins, The Story of an Hour. This short story captured my interest through its use of irony. In studying this specific work, I chose to use a reader-response approach to evaluate and analyze the text. Using a reader-response approach allows me to connect with the story and reflect on the wide array of emoti ons presented in the story. In order to connect I had to read imaginatively and immerse myself in the story and put myself in the shoes of the main character, Mrs. mallard.Once that was taken tuition of I had to consider or analyze what I had read, and then draw conclusions or interpret what I had read. In short, The Story of an Hour is about a woman who experiences a multitude of conflicting feelings at the news of her economises death due to a tragic train accident. Some of the feelings Mrs. mallard experiences in this story are melancholy, exhaustion, fear, joy, and freedom. It is interesting to note that many of Chopins literary works represent women who are struggling to be free or to have independence of self.Also noteworthy is the fact that Chopins father died in a train accident and Chopin herself grew up surrounded by smart, independent, single women (Wyatt, 1995, para. 2). It is no wonder that she portrays Mrs. Mallard as a strong, independent woman, in spite of her hea rt trouble. At the onset of the story, one might have the opinion that Mrs. Mallard is weak because of her heart trouble and the great care that is taken in relaying the news of her husbands death. However, it is quite the opposite. Initially she is distraught stricken with grief and exhausted. But these feelings give way to something more.Using simile, the writer paints a clear picture of a new beginningShe could see in the open square forward her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air (Clugston, 2010). These thoughts of a new beginning brought with it fear for Mrs. Mallard. She was dire of what she was feeling which could be described as joy or anticipation. Not wanting to seem heartless, in my opinion, she beat it back with her will, to no avail. She was at last free. Free to live for herself and to only think of her needs.This desire for freedom and self seems to be a running theme in many of Chopins literary works and can be seen in the character, Edna Pontellier, when she stands naked on the beach at Grand Isle. In a review by Lewis P. Simpson (1971), he quotes Seyersted who says that Edna symbolizes a victory of self-knowledge and authenticity as she becomes fully herself. I believe that this depicts Mrs. Mallard as well. Mrs. Mallard knew that her husband loved her and because of that she would still feel sorrow and grief, tho she would also feel relief. Relief because she knew she had the rest of her life ahead of her to live it as she pleased.Unfortunately for her, that relief was short-lived when in an ironic twist, her husband, Brently Mallard walked in the drift door alive and well and Mrs. Mallard died. There are many different genres of literature but in particular I really enjoyed Chopins short story The Story of an Hour. The textbook tells us, Literature restores the past, stimulates the imagination, glorifies the commonplace, evokes emotions and links feeling t o thinking, upholds a vision of the ideal, and explores significant human questions and reveals human nature (Clugston, 2010).This rings sure for this piece of literature. It brought together elements of imagination, symbolism, and metaphors that paint a vivid picture of a woman who feels repressed in her marriage and embraces the freedom she feels at the news of her husbands death. This piece allowed me to experience a new perspective. It allowed me to feel and connect with the story and its characters. It created a world that I could immerse myself into. References Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into literature. San Diego, California Bridgepoint Education, Inc.Retrieved from https//content. ashford. edu/books/AUENG125. 10. 2/sections/sec2. 3 Kate Chopin A Critical Biography by Per Seyersted The Complete Works of Kate Chopin by Per Seyersted Kate Chopin Review by Lewis P. Simpson Louisiana History The Journal of the Louisiana historic Association , Vol. 12, No. 1 (Winter, 1971), pp. 86-88 Published by Louisiana Historical Association Article Stable URL http//www. jstor. org/stable/4231171 Wyatt, N. (1995). Biography of Kate Chopin. Retrieved from http//www. vcu. edu/engweb/webtexts/hour/katebio. hypertext mark-up language
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Before 1905 the opposition to the government of Tsar Nicholas II was of no consequence Essay
The Tsar was not in serious Jeopardy in 1905Through egress his time as Tsar, Nicholas II was faced with regular threats due(p) to terrorist groups such as the peoples will. Many of these groups were oppressed by The reaction that began under the reign of Alexander III, however not all opposition was destroyed. This meant that Nicholas was in constant Jeopardy. This essay will discuss whether or not Tsar Nicholas II was truly in serious Jeopardy during the events of 1905. The Russian revolution which began in 1905 was a wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the Russian empire. Factors such as industrialisation, urbanisation, bouts of economic depression and a quick increasing population all contributed to undermine the order and stability of the regime. In light of the opposition he received, Nicholas created a Duma as a result of the October manifesto in order to appease the masses. Before the creation of the Duma in 1905 however, political par ties were illegal in Russia because Nicholas was a strict autocrat. There were three main groups which conflicting tsardom during the period 1881-1905 the Populists, the sociable revolutionaries and the Social Democrats.This essay will discuss whether these three groups were of any force to the government of Nicholas II before 1905. Populism began in the 1870s. It was a subversive movement that thought the future of Russia was in the hands of the peasantry. The Populists were not peasants themselves, but members of the middle and upper classes. The Populists began to try and tutor the peasantry about how they were going to lead the revolution by beginning a scheme called going to the people, however this did not work as advantageously as they thought as many of the peasants did not understand or accept the revolutionary message being preached to them. This caused, in desperation, some members of the populists to turn to terrorism. In 1879 members of the Populists broke off and f ormed a separate group the peoples will with intention of killing members of the ruling class. This group, with trivial over 400 members, was responsible for the assassination of Alexander III in 1881 however this act of violence weakened, rather than strengthened the movement. The Populists were of pocket-size end for the government of Nicholas II during his reign, however by the late 19th century most other revolutionary groups were inspired by Populist theories and methods as well as their challenge to tsardom, which would have posed a problem forNicholas.The second group that opposed tsardom were the social revolutionaries (SRs). The SRs grew directly out of the Populist movement. It extended the idea of the people beyond the peasantry, to incorporate a growing urban workforce. However, as with most revolutionary groups in Russia, The SRs were torn apart by disagreements with themselves, and soon emerged a right and left wing element to the party. One side wanted to follow o n with the bowelless methods of the peoples will, and the other saw revolution as their primary goal and used peaceful methods such as on the job(p) with other parties in order to achieve their goals. Between the years 1901-1905 the SRs were responsible for over 2000 assassinations, including the Tsars uncle, Grand Duke Sergei. This suggests that the SRs were of some consequence for the government of Nicholas II as the assassination of Grand Duke Sergei as well as many other important people, without any retribution from the Tsar, would have visualized him as weak and therefore the citizens of Russia may have lost respect for him. The final group to oppose Nicholas IIs government were the Social Democrats. The All-Russian Social Democratic Labour Party was formed in 1898. It was a Marxist party, which meant that it accepted the theories of German revolutionary Karl Marx. Marx believed history was an on-going class struggle and that two classes existed, the working class and the p roletariat.Marx said that the workers were exploited by the proletariat in order to make them wealthy. They worked long hours for poor pay and would never be in a position to own anything. A deep divide soon occurred within the party however, this became known as the Bolshevik/Menshevik split. The Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks soon became two opposing Marxist parties. The Social Democrats, or the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks had little consequence for the Government of Nicholas II prior to the 1917 revolution and compete a very little party in anything before 1905. In Conclusion the opposition to Nicholas IIs government prior to 1905 was of some consequence however it was not enough to instigate any major change. This lasted until 1917 when the Bolsheviks eventually took power and turned autocratic rule into communist rule.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
A Comparison: Friar Lawrence vs the Nurse
A Comparison Friar Lawrence VS The treat Thesis Both Friar Lawrence and The Nurse are loyal to Romeo and Juliet (respectively), they have defended, protected and have helped living their well being, still do not always make decisions in their scoop out interests, which in fact lead to both of their demises. In Romeo and Juliet, a novel where two lovers are destined to be together, but their heritage prevents them, Friar Lawrence and The Nurse are similar to fathers and mothers, wise guardians, trusted companions to these two. Or are they reckless, hasty, and negligent?They have spent their lives with Romeo and Juliet, watching them grow and guiding them along their paths of life. But now they allow these star-crossed lovers to wed, though they know nothing of the other but a few whispered words. Are these sages to be admired and sought after, or fools at which to scoff and avoid? The Friar assumes a very opaque character, in a sense that his objectives are not always very clea r to both the reader and the other characters, but in these cases his purposes are pure, to provide the best advice to Romeo.When The Friar questions Romeos judgment when he shares with him that he has so quickly given up view on Rosaline and moved on to Juliet, Lawrence tells Romeo that he isnt thinking right and that he needs to reconsider. Although this does come across as blunt, he only wants what is best for Romeo, yet he still agrees to wed them and is essential because it demonstrates that The Friar has respectable intentions (Act 2, fit 3, Lines 69-83).And when Romeo states that he would rather die than be banished and forced to live without Juliet, Friar advises him to not kill himself, which is very noble and is authoritative because shows that Romeos life is of some importance to him (Act 3, Scene 3, Lines 8-84). The Nurse finds herself acting as an advisor, a faithful servant, and as a parent like figure, but without the stern qualities towards Juliet and others. When The Nurse delivers a ring sent from Juliet to Romeo, and most importantly, reminds Romeo that Juliet still loves him and that he should ot give up hope, even though he had been banished. This proves that The Nurse does not have any pre judgmental thoughts about Romeo, that she believes in him, and is substantial because it solidifies that she is kind not only just to Juliet (Act 3, Scene 3, line 85-173). The Friar actually accompanies her in this scene, acting out the same behavior, attempting to keep Romeo from slipping into a deep depression at the thought of never seeing Juliet again.And When The Nurse is commanded by passe-partout Capulet to bring forth the news to Juliet that she must marry Paris, though reluctant as she is, she agrees that marrying Paris would be in her best interests, and The Nurse tells Juliet what she must do which is critical because it validates that The Nurse will do anything to keep Juliet from harm even if she does not like it. Although marrying Pari s is not something Juliet wants to do, The Nurse knows that that is what is best for her, and Juliet lies and tells her that she will marry him (Act 3, Scene 5, Lines 176-246).The Nurse, a woman who is supposed to help guide Juliet on the right path, yet mistakenly confuses Juliets needs with her fathers wants. Although the Nurse does not realize it, the attempt at provoking Juliet to marry Paris could have further convinced Juliet that she did not want to live with her family any longer, and beseech Friar Lawrence for help, which is important because this resulted in her death (Act 3, Scene 5, Lines 176-246).And when Friar Lawrence recites and recognizes all who are dead in a quite hurried and distasteful manner, although he does imply that he grieves over all of the life lost, it is to be noted with signifi bottomlandce because he does not recognize that he is somewhat responsible for their deaths (Act 5, Scene 3, Lines 238). Although Friar Lawrence had a strong positive influent ial role in how Romeo and Juliet came together, he also made crucial mistakes that in their absence could have resulted in Romeo and Juliet being alive.When Friar devises a plan to give Juliet a potion that makes her appear dead while she remains in a deep slumber, so that she can avoid marring Paris and escape off to Romeo. Besides the many chances where this plan could have failed, it was hastily conceived, and should have been given more time to be thought out, which is important because it proves that in critical moments, The Friar can become hasty and his ethical thought process can be clouded by the squash of the moment (Act 4, Scene 1, Lines 181-185).
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Free Indirect Discourse in Emma
promiscuous and Direct Discourse in Jane Austens, Emma Jane Austen is often considered to have one of the most compelling floor voices in literature. Blurring the line between third and first base person, Austen often combines the notions of the fabricator with the feelings and muses of the focalized character. Emma is perhaps her most tumid example of on the loose(p) indirect discourse, where the fibbers voice is often diffused into that of the characters. In the following passage, Emma takes on her role at match-maker between Mr. Elton and Harriet Smith, ii naive and somewhat air-headed characters in the novel.Mr. Elton was the very first person fixed on by Emma for driving the young farmer out of Harriets head. She though it would be an excellent match and only also palpably desirable, natural, and probable for her to have much merit in planning it. She fe ared it was what everybody else must think of and predict. It was non likely, however, that anybody should have equ aled her in the date of the plan, as it had entered her creative thinker during the very first evening of Harriets coming to Hartfield. The longer she considered it, the greater was her sense of expediency.Mr. Eltons situation was most suitable, quite the gentleman himself, and without low connections at the same time not of any family that could fairly object to the doubtful birth of Harriet. He had a comfortable home for her, and Emma imagined a very capable income for though the vicarage of Highbury was not large, he was known to have some independent property and she thought very highly of him as a strong humoured, well-meaning, respectable young man, without any deficiency of useful understanding or knowledge of the world. (Austen, 88)The yarn technique used in this passage is clearly free indirect discourse. There is a definite blur between the narrator and the character, who in this case is Emma, as it often is. The very first prison term delves into Emmas plotting thoug hts of connecting Mr. Elton and Harriet. Austen then goes on to say that Emma has been the first to think of this, as she did so at Harriets first arrival in Hartfield. It almost sounds as if Austen is gas that Emma was the first to think of this earthshattering idea, but then again, was it Austen or Emma who was bragging? It is hard for the contributor to decide.Emma thought the idea so obvious that everyone must have already thought it, but what made her idea better was that it was had first. If a strict third person narrator would have related Emmas idea to us, we would not get as much insight into why it was such a good idea and Emmas thought process on it. Perhaps a third person narrator would have simply said, and then Emma had the idea that Mr. Elton could replace the unworthy farmer. In the next couple of sentences, Emma continues her stream of consciousness by listing the qualities that make Mr. Elton a suitable match for Harriet.This portion of the passage reflects Emma s subjectivity and can be considered a transcript of her conscious thought (Gunn, 40). These considerations were not macrocosm made by the narrator. The person telling Emmas story has no gain or loss in who Harriet decides to marry, but to Emma, it is of the effect importance. This shows that the stream must be originating from Emmas consciousness, and not that of the narrator. The reader can hear Emmas judgments especially in the phrase, quite the gentleman himself, which shows that she thinks all of these qualities that Mr.Elton possesses makes him a worthy gentleman, and thus a candidate for Harriets love and affection. Even the style that this phrase is uttered in is representative of a stream of thought. It is interjected into the sentence discussing Mr. Eltons suitableness. Had a strict, third person narrator written this sentence, it would have been more crafted and less conversational. The entire concept itself is not entirely necessary for the reader to follow, but it he lps to understand the character of Emma and why she feels such a need to be a match maker among her acquaintances.Emma also expresses her thoughts about Harriets suitability in the following sentence, although it is brief. She says of Mr. Elton that he is, at the same time not of any family that could fairly object to the doubtful birth of Harriet. Here, it is Emma, not the narrator, who is acknowledging Harriets lacking(p) and doubtful birth. It is Emma who does not think that it will be an issue to be acted upon for the simple reason that Mr. Elton has no family to object to the union. Although Emmas voice is very prominent in this passage, the third person narrator still remains, which is what essentially makes it Austens style of ree indirect discourse. In phrases such as, Emma imagined, or, she thought, the reader is forced to considered that the third companionship narrator is still present and relating the story. Some literature theorists consider this contamination to fre e indirect discourse (Gunn, 40). Instead of contamination, I think it is what makes Austens narrative voice so interesting. The reader must stay attentive in order to follow the stream of consciousness wavering between the narrator and the characters.While being told the story, the reader is also made aware of more minute details that they may not have been presented with had the story been told without free indirect discourse. The fact that the two voices do intermingle so often is a suggestion that the distinction between them is arbitrary, at least in Austens fiction (Gunn, 40). Although Emmas thoughts are freely transcribed within Austens passages of free indirect discourse, the ever-present narrator remains in order to guide the characters in their thoughts as to what needfully to be presented to the reader.The 2009 BBC film version of Emma did a very nice job reflecting Emmas thoughts throughout the movie with voice overs while showing a besotted shot of her face on the scre en and her respective facial expressions to the thoughts she was having. In this movie, the narrator was removed when Emma pondered over her thoughts. An interesting way to do it could be that the narrator remains, still telling the story through free indirect discourse just as in the novel and filming it in a correspondent way to the BBC version.The narrator would speak almost directly from the novel and Emmas facial expressions would still reflect her passions about what was being said. In this particular passage, the narrator would be speaking Emmas thoughts on Mr. Eltons qualifications while Emma reacted. This would still allow the story to be told from a third person point-of-view while concurrently allowing the viewer free range of Emmas thoughts. Resources Jane Austens Emma in electronic form Gunn, Daniel. Free Indirect Discourse and Narrative Authority in Emma. Free Indirect Discourse and Narrative Authority in Emma. 12. 1 (2004) 35-54. Print.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Algeria and Libya
The entire world is aware of the fact that Italy, France, England, and many others of European and westward origins were settlers in various places around the world, and these people established colonies in these nations, thereby influencing and impacting the nations people greatly. Take Italy, for example. This was a country that was among the last in Europe to start imperial expansion, probably because of the fact that the city-states were not unite until the second half of the nineteenth century.Libya was one of the last few African territories that escaped colonization until the ratiocination of the nineteenth century, solely its very proximity to Italy made sure that Libya was fermentd in three major areas, manage state institution, the modes of popular resistance, and the types of regimes that emerged after independence. (Bruce St John, Ronald (2004) Algeria was one of the countries that was subjected to heavy colonial determine. Areas like education, business, and so on were controlled by the French for almost a hundred years, and the impact is felt in the country even today, in certain aspects of life in Algeria.(Algeria, Arabization 1993) It is important to remember that in Algeria and in Libya, colonial policies were shaped by the specific politics and economics prevalent in each European colonial state at the time, like for example in Italy, the colonial policy was a liberal one, recognizing local states of resistance. This factor enabled Libya to play along different modes of resistance. As far as Algeria was concerned, the French colonial policies were different, and in essence, it can safely be said that French colonization managed to destroy the pre-colonial state of Algeria (Ahmida, Abdullathif Ali 1994)Now, one can examine the state formation of Libya and Algeria, so that one can understand better how Italy and France influenced these two states in this aspect. State formation in these states is an issue of national consciousness. Franc e encouraged European colonization in Algeria from 1834 onwards, and Muslim lands were confiscated and in their place, a grow colony was created, completely separate from the Muslim mass. Muslims of the state emulated the popular form of resistance to European influence by lauding a war of independence, launching terrorist attacks against the French in the process.It was in 1962 that Charles de Gaulle was able to successfully proclaim independence for Algeria, and the Islamic Salvation Front enjoyed great popularity at the time because of its populist appeal. Violence, however, continues in Algeria to this day, and the majority of perpetrators are Muslim extremists. There is no peace in Algeria, and many experts feel that the European colonization, the ensuant fight for independence, the formation of the state, and eventu altogethery the regimes that emerged after independence may have influenced the state in an ominous manner. (Naylor C Phillip 2001)Most Libyans today would re member the fierce fight for independence from colonization and escape from the all permeative Italian influence. In 1970, Colonel Qaddafi managed to expel more than twenty thousand Italians who were living in Libya at the time, but today, Italy is one of Libyas largest partners in trade. In 1988, Libya was implicated in an air crash in Lockerbie, Scotland, and subsequently, the UN has enforce sanctions on the country. When Qaddafi refused to comply with the sanctions, Libya became politically and economically isolated during the 1990s.Illegal migration continues to this day, and recently, Italy had to pass an order to curb the phenomenon, but apparently, Libya has through with(p) nothing to implement it. Saif al-Islam, the son of Qaddafi, announced that he would sign a deal to compensate Libyans for cardinal two years of Italian colonization. (Undoing the Damage 2008) In 2003, Libya showed its willingness to rid itself of weapons of mass destruction, and also of its missile progr amme Missile Technology Control regime. (Background note, Libya 2007) Today, it can be said that although Libya and Algeria revolted against colonization, they did learn a few lessons from the Europeans, and their influence has lasted to this day. The countries maintain amicable relations with each other to this day, although rivalry and opposition does exist at all levels. European influence at several different levels and in different aspects of life cannot be denied, however, and mayhap this is the reason why leaders in Algeria and Libya tend to try their best even today to traverse any allegiance to the people who were once the leaders of their countries.References Ahmida, Abdullathif Ali (1994) The Making of Modern Libya, State Formation, Colonization Google view as Search Retrieved fantastic 20, 2008 from http//books. google. co. in/books? id=eUM2phcxIFIC&pg=PA141&lpg=PA141&dq=settler+colonial+policies+of+Italy+and+France&source=web&ots=yVOfYhDdLT&sig=SMwjAMfMXLNufvTXCUK9BZ _RHQU&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result Algeria, Arabization (1993) Country Data. com Retrieved August 20, 2008 from http//www. country-data. com/cgi-bin/query/r-365. html Background note, Libya (2007) Bureau of turn up Eastern Affairs Retrieved on August 20, 2008 from http//africanhistory. htm? zi=1/XJ/Ya&sdn=africanhistory&cdn=education&tm= cxx&gps=322_421_796_420&f=10&tt=14&bt=0&bts=1&zu=http%3A//www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/5425. htm Naylor C Phillip (2001) fib Algeria Part 3 Retrieved August 20, 2008 from http//www. discoverfrance. net/Colonies/Algeria3. shtml Undoing the Damage (2008) The Economist July 31 retrieved on August 20, 2008 from http//www. annoticoreport. com/2008/08/italy-and-libya-continue-reconciliation. html Bruce St John, Ronald (2004) Libyas Former Colonial Master The Globalist Retrieved August 20, 2008 from http//www. theglobalist. com/DBWeb/StoryId. aspx? StoryId=3813
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Traditions and Beliefs
Atraditionis a practice, custom, or report cardthat is memorized and passed dump from generation to generation, origin eachy without the need for awriting system. Traditions are often presumed to beancient, unalter satisfactory, and deep important, though they may sometimes be much less natural than is presumed. Some traditions were deliberately invented for nonpareil reason or an separate, often to high clear(p) or enhance the importance of a certain institution. Traditions may also be changed to suit the needs of the day, and the changes can become accepted as a pull up s purpose a craps of the ancient tradition.Folk Beliefs, new(prenominal)wise known as Superstitious Beliefs, forms part of a great deals value systems and culture. They basically reflect the customs, traditions, and mores of a group, which has been based on religious beliefs, opinions, or popular aged practices. Also they retell of how a people view the unknown and the Means to appease the gods that cont rol the future. Filipinos motionlessness adhere to numerous widely-held folk beliefs that squander no scientific or logical basis but maybe backed-up by some past experiences (yet can be dismissed as mere coincidence).Some are allay ripe to this day primarily because of theres nothing to lose if we comply attitude while the others are totally unattended for it seemed down right ridiculous. A number of Filipinos have Folk Beliefs about life, family, raft, wealth, etc. Some of which were presented by the cardinal groups last Monday, April 26, 2010. I have noticed that almost all groups presented folk beliefs about courtship and marriage. lawsuit is one that is still world practiced among the strictest of the Filipino families.This is performed by the male (who is the suer since it is wrong to do it the opposite way) visiting the home of the female. In the olden eld, courtship doesnt start until the male suitor had obtained permit from the parents. This was fag oute with t he male suitor being accompanied by another jimmyable elder and advent either the father or the mother of the female and obtaining licences days in advanced to visit at a particular day and time. Nowadays this form of getting the parents permission is still being practiced in the provinces, however, due to western influences, there are ome variations more adaptable to the modern times. One election is to make a phone call, asking for the parents or guardians permission through an elder to schedule a visit. Another way is for the suitor to approach the parents in a public place, and informally asking for permission to visit. Either way, it is to show proper respect to ask for permission prior to the formal visit. Properly come up to the parents by placing the back of the right hand of the parents to the suitors fore signal is practiced to show respect. This is called pagmamano in Tagalog.When the permission has been granted, the suitor whether accompanied by a friend or an elder depart visit the young ladys home and offers gifts. open bags or boxes of goodies or Filipino snacks purchased from a local store and flowers are generally given. The snacks or other goods are offered to the family of the girl accordingly the flowers and supernumerary sweets ( interchangeable chocolate or candies) are given to the girl. In a strict Filipino home, during courtship, the parents are present during the first visit. This is the opportunity to get to know each other.This is sometimes called courting the parents first and put onning their hearts and approval then letting the boy or suitor court the girl. Subsequent visits are then scheduled if all went well during the first visit and, depending on how long the courtship will last the answer is given by the girl with the parents knowledge as well. After the courtship stage and the girl decides that she also would like to take the suitors offer of love and commitment, then the girl will give the favorable answer to th e suitor. At times it takes months before the answer is given.In the olden days, strict parents would sometimes give a series of tests, having the suitor do some chores like fetching some water from the well, cutting firewood to be used for cooking dinner, helping the father of the girl do some yard or farm work. Nowadays, a more modern approach is being performed by the suitor whereby he offers gentlemanly help to the parents, sometimes carrying groceries as he sees them walking down the streets, offering them a ride if he happens to be driving their way, doing other favors that can help win their favor and better his chances of getting the girls love as well.After the girl announces to the parents that she is ready to be diligent the parents would be around to congratulate the suitor. From then on, the suitor is treated like a member of the family. Sometimes, sluice before marriage, the suitor is introduced to the friends and relatives of the girls immediate family as future par t of the family or future son-in-law. Engagements may take longer than a year, and then the involvement shall be set for marriage. During the waiting period they are bighearted to go on realises, at times with a chaperone.Nowadays, after the first few chaperoned dates they can date on their own, peculiarly those who raging in the cities where it is not as strict as in the country-bred areas of the country. When the two decides that they are ready to get married, then the pamamanhikan (official request of the male and his parents or guardians for the girls hand in marriage) begins. This is usually fatiguee in the evening after dinner. Then, if the parents of the girl agree, they will give them their blessings and set the date of the wedding. The engagement sometimes last from several months to a couple of years due to extensive preparations.The majority of Filipino weddings are now Catholic weddings, but some native traditions remain. Most have special sponsors who act as wit nesses to the marriage. The principal sponsors could be godparents, counselors, a favorite uncle and aunt, even a parent. Secondary sponsors cargo area special parts of the ceremony, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the candle, cord and veil ceremonies. Candle sponsors light two candles, which the bride and rail use to light a single candle to symbolize the joining of the two families and to invoke the light of Christ in their married life.Veil sponsors place a white veil over the brides head and the grooms shoulders, a symbol of two people clothed as one. Cord sponsors drape the yugal (a decorative silk cord) in a figure-eight shapeto symbolize everlasting fidelityover the shoulders of the bride and groom. The groom gives the bride 13 coins, or arrhae, beatified by the priest, as a sign of his dedication to his wifes well-being and the welfare of their future children. The four groups, as far as I can remember, presented more beliefs and traditions about death, marriage, life and luck.These were The table should not be cleared while an unmarried woman is still eating because she might end up an old maid. Do not sweep your floor at shadow or else you are sweeping your luck out of the house. If one cuts his fingernails at night, a member of the family will die. One must not engineer teams of 3 or 13, otherwise one member will die. Eating Pancit on their birthday will enable them to live longer. The use of the word Po or Opo means Yes in a precise polite manner. It is usually said by a young person to an elder. Holding a family reunion to celebrate a birthday in the family, fiestas, for Christmas or New Years Celebration. One must be able to have handa during feast days. The first belief tells me that when you clear the table while an unmarried woman is still eating, that woman will stay single all her life. I still dont rely in such belief because I have met and seen single women getting married even if this glade of tables while they ate happene d to them. This is also my really(prenominal) first time to hear such belief. The second belief is one I heard when I was still actually young.I was at my grandfathers house at Negros Oriental one summer. One night, there housemaid swept the floor and was scolded by my grandfathers sister for doing such act. I wondered why and so I asked my parents about it. They, too, didnt know why sweeping floors during night was not allowed. Now, I know why. I still dont suppose in such belief although luck in that house has gone in and out. I believe its just coincidental when someone sweeps during the night and then you become very unlucky in the future. The third belief is somehow coincidental for me when you cut your fingernails and someone in your family dies.I have also tried a lot of times already cutting my nails at night and I have also tried losing a member of my family already but I dont think it was because of what I did. I dont see any connection amongst cutting fingernails dur ing the night and death. With the fourth belief, I have heard this since I was in my grade instill years. I still hear such until now. I usually go around with two of my very close friends. We always take pictures of ourselves yet not one of us has died, fortunately. I was told that whoever is in the mettle will die first.It sounds pretty scary at first especially when I was still very young and innocent. However, as I grew up and hear such, it becomes lame to me and somehow funny because I have had lots of experience already with having two friends with me. The group presented this by three people who was about to take a picture of themselves and then their friend told them they shouldnt be three otherwise the one in the middle will die. And so they put ond more people to join them so they wouldnt be three. The twenty percent belief tells me that eating Pancit will make your life longer.I always hear such especially during festivities and celebrations. On birthday celebrations, there is always pancit on the table because it is said that this will make you live longer on earth. They always say pansit, pampahaba ng buhay. Im pretty sure it is such because pancit is long. We dont usually practice such tradition in our family. The sixth belief shows respect to the older people when you say Opo or Po. It is our tradition to say such. We also mano or kiss the right hand of an older person when we greet them. Actually, you dont really kiss that hand.You just bow a bit, and light take the older persons right hand with your right hand, and move it towards your own forehead. Sometimes, its the back of their hand that touches your forehead. In our family, we practice such tradition as a sign of respect. When we got to our province in Negros and get to obtain with the very many a(prenominal) relatives of ours, we mano every older relative. Other relatives of ours especially my aunts and uncles who are in their late 20s and early 30s wont let us mano them because t hey dont lack to be old. The seventh and eight traditions have been practiced for years by almost all Filipinos.These happenings bring family members together especially those who are living away or are working in different places and rarely have the chance or time to come home. The presence of family visitors and reuniting members delight the other members of the family, aside from stories and gossips to tell. And, if a visitor is a foreigner or a relative who comes from abroad, the family is very majestic especially when the neighbors are around, and offers everything just to please the visitor. Once the visitor is gone, the family will either praise or mock the visitor. Its mostly not the presence but the presents.We always celebrate feast days by having handa and inviting people to eat inside the house. In our family, we do the same during our villages fiesta. We invite friends, relatives and neighbors to dine and celebrate with us. Such tradition brings families and friends c loser and patches up the times you missed together. With the very many traditions and beliefs of the Filipinos, I can say we only practice a few. Our family is not the type who believes in such beliefs. We only practice those traditions that are very common like celebrating festivities and occasions and giving of gifts during special days.I dont believe in these beliefs because they sound ridiculous for me but I respect them and the people who believe in them. We were not raised believing in folk beliefs because they are mere stories and doesnt have any connection with the real world. Sometimes, I wonder why people have do so many beliefs. Is it their way of scaring people especially beliefs about death and misfortune? I believe it is only you who can bring luck to yourself and it is not harmful to believe and practice such beliefs and traditions. I just learned that folk beliefs are not real and not practical and ones life must not always work around with beliefs.
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